Sunday, September 27, 2009

Devloping a Global Vision - McDonald's

In 2003, McDonald's came up with the idea to change it's slogan from "smile" to "I'm Lovin' it". For those of you who have ever seen a McDonald's bag, you've seen that slogan in many different languages. The reason they changed that slogan was to market to everyone from around the globe. Smile could be translated into different things because it is just one word. But when people read "I'm lovin' it", it's just a way for McDonald's to get inside these people's minds to have them thinking what they're reading. The same way that McDonald's franchises change the appearance of the small restaurants to culturally attract people in the area where the restaurant is located - from looking fancy with waiters to McDonald's in snowboarding areas - McDonald's is trying to keep their customers coming. That's one reason why they spent $823 Billion in 2008 on Global advertisement. If you thought Starbuck's was a great global company, wait till you hear about McCafes...

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